News Design
News design is a process of arranging visual content on a typical newspaper page, based on various graphical and editorial criteria and aims. Main editorial objectives involve the ordering of news items by alphabetical order, while aesthetic considerations include balanced and easily readable, unobtrusive inclusion of advertising and appropriate readability. The arrangement and management of news content often depend on the aim of the particular publication: political, economic, scientific, and other specialized. Other factors such as tone, style, layout, and color are also taken into account.
News design differs greatly from traditional graphic design because in newsprint, the primary function of the newspaper page is not to produce a piece of art or display an artistic impression, but rather to inform, entertain, and educate the reader. This is true even in the most mundane news print, where layout, typography, and image selection are more important than creative inspiration. Even so, successful news design has to take into consideration the primary function of a printed newspaper page – that of informing the public.
In the US, most newspapers are still produced and distributed by local publishers, who assign newspaper designers and copy editors to handle the production of news content. Newsprint production is now carried out by multimedia news design specialists. These experts work closely with newspapers to create news content that is highly intractable and visually appealing. The goal of any good news design company is to ensure the presentation of the story in the best possible way.