Different Ways of Understanding Fashion


Different Ways of Understanding Fashion

Fashion is a kind of self-awareness and autonomy in a certain time and context, in a certain cultural context and with a certain dress, footwear, accessories, makeup, haircut, and personality type. The word also means a style defined by the fashion market as what is currently fashionable. We can define fashion as what most people perceive as fashionable in current times. It is not just what you wear on your everyday life, but more, it is what you wear when you are going out, going to parties or going to work. It also applies to the clothes and accessories you wear and how you carry yourself around.

Fashion styles refer to the general way of dressing, choosing, buying, and wearing clothes. Fashion is so broad and there are actually so many aspects and fields of fashion study. Fashion has been known to be influenced by social factors such as gender roles, body shapes, national origin, profession, fashion trends, and so on. Most of the clothes are designed according to some type of fashion styles or trends that are usually considered to be current or up to date.

A typical fashion trend is one that is seen all over the world or within a given country, city or region and shows a significant feature of culture, class, age, or social status of a person, and often changes through time. Different fashion styles and fashions are defined according to the way people dress. However, there are certain fashions which are considered to be timeless styles regardless of the time period or place where they are worn. These kinds of fashions include the urban, western, traditional and Chinese traditional. The main difference between them is the people’s way of dressing while others are characterized by their social status.