Online Lottery Sales and Anti-Gambling Groups


The first recorded lotteries raised funds for public purposes, such as fortifications. The Dutch government used the money from these public lotteries to fund many public purposes. These lotteries proved to be popular, and were hailed as a painless taxation method. In fact, the oldest continuously running lottery was founded in 1726. The word lottery derives from the Dutch noun “lot” meaning “fate.”

Today, it’s possible to buy lottery tickets online. Using an app, you can purchase lottery tickets in minutes, even from the comfort of your home or on the go. You can also purchase lottery tickets on a tablet or smartphone. Buying online is very convenient, and many popular lottery sites have mobile versions, so you can use them wherever you go. But be aware that lottery subscriptions are generally limited to the most popular lottery games, which means that they may not carry smaller games that are more regional in nature.

Today, online lottery sales are slow, but they’re coming. Online lottery sales could increase state revenue. However, anti-gambling groups oppose expansion of lottery sales. Online lottery sales may also be illegal in some states. For the time being, however, there are a variety of legal issues that must be resolved before these lottery sales can take place. So, what are the best options for state lottery sales? A few years ago, the government of New Jersey approved online lottery sales. Online lottery sales are a great way to grow lottery revenue.